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KARP Diamond 2.2
KARP a DTC Sightholder, has created a foundation of pioneeringsuperlative manufacturing excellence and ingenious industry-leadinginnovation. Complimented by polished grading standards, dynamicsales, efficient distribution and creative marketing. KARP,continues to grow market share and establish standards for theindustry. We at KARP not only manufacture top of the line "bespoke"diamonds with 5 micron precision, but also excel in 3eX Round andprecise Fancy Cut diamonds with majority of our productionconsisting of Hearts and Arrows and Ideal Cut. With over 2500craftsmen and a highly equipped state of the art technology diamondmanufacturing unit has led to the campaign of "You think it weshape it". We at KARP being technical leaders in manufacturing havethe strength and capability in creating one of a kind, masterpiece, cut stones specifically tailored to individuals needs. Inaddition, KARP's vision is to push relentlessly for excellence, todevelop innovative and productive concepts, research orienteddevelopment planning, to continuously grow through superlativeproducts, and compelling global strategic alliances. This has ledto KARP to be a DTC Sightholder since 1993. whilst such privilegesensures access to reliable and consistent supplies of roughdiamonds across wide ranges of sizes, it also reflects the kind ofresponsibilities that we accept. KARP is committed to its suppliersand channel partners and eventual consumers. Furthermore, KARPsupplies to world renowned luxury brands as well as leadingjewelers manufacturers, distributers and retailers covering themajor diamond markets worldwide. KARP complies with BPP (BestPractice Principles assessed and verified by SGS, Geneva), KARPassures adherence to the Kimberly Process and guarantees conflictfree diamonds. In Addition, KARP ensures consumer confidencemeasures and executes diamond manufacturing excellence (cut byworld standard craftsmen) and is compliant to Pipeline Integrity.
Ethereal Diamond 1.4